Join the Fight to Our Neighborhood

Ramat Beit Shemesh is under threat from a plan that will narrow already busy roads, worsening living conditions. Stand with us to protect our community and ensure a sustainable future. Sign the petition today and make your voice heard.

Understanding the Petition

Goal: To halt the proposed development plan that threatens to overwhelm Neve Shamir with 900 additional housing units and high rise buildings.


The new construction plan at the junction of Nahar HaYarden and Nahar HaYarkon streets is expected to severely impact the quality of life across the city, especially in the neighborhoods of Neve Shamir, Ramah Alef, Mishkafayim, and Ramah Gimmel

Severe Traffic Congestion

The plan will add significant traffic to roads that are already struggling to handle the current load, particularly at the traffic circles of Nahar HaYarden, Nahar HaYarkon, and Eliyahu HaNavi streets. It will also expand 8 meters toward Eliyahu HaNavi street and 6 meters toward Yarkon narrowing these streets and preventing the roads from being widened in the future.

Damage to the Character of the City and Neighborhoods

Even now, our neighborhoods suffer from a lack of adequate infrastructure – narrow and overcrowded roads, insufficient schools, community centers, and other essential services. The proposed plan will only worsen the situation, introducing extreme building density and severely harming the residents’ quality of life. Without significant investment in infrastructure, our neighborhoods will not be able to withstand the added burden, leading to heavy strain and destabilizing the local community

Loss of Green Spaces

The area designated for construction was originally intended to be a green space and park for the benefit of all city residents

We call on all residents of Beit Shemesh to unite and voice their opposition to this plan that will harm us all

Sign the petition today and help preserve the quality of life in our city

Together, we can stop the damage and make a real differen
