The Issue With the Building Plans in Beit Shemesh

The proposed building projects are expected to severely impact the quality of life across the city, especially in the neighborhoods of Neve Shamir, Ramah Alef, Mishkafayim, and Ramah Gimmel.

Beit Shemesh Population Growth:

  • The city’s population has grown significantly, from around 73,000 in 2008 to approximately 142,000 by 2021. It is one of Israel’s fastest-growing cities and is projected to continue expanding, potentially reaching 500,000 residents.

Lack of Hospital:

Insufficient Public Transport:

  • Due to the significant increase in the city’s population, entire neighborhoods have insufficient public transportation. According to 15dakot Beit Shemesh has 3 of the top 5 bus routes with the most complaints in the country.

  • The buses are often so overcrowded that they are often forced to skip stops along their routes.
  • The Beit Shemesh to Tel Aviv train only comes once an hour, the parking is already at capacity and there is no drop-off point for train passengers resulting in unnecessary traffic jams and delays.

Poor City Planning in Existing Neighborhoods

  • Even now, our neighborhoods suffer from a lack of adequate infrastructure – narrow and overcrowded roads, insufficient schools, community centers, and other essential services.
  • Currently we have dozens of damaged garbage bins that don’t allow residents to safely dispose of trash.
  • There are no drop off lanes or parking designed for the school complex at the entrance to Neve Shamir which leads to daily traffic jams.

Loss of Green Spaces

  • The area designated for construction was originally intended to be a green space for the benefit of all city residents. Part of the construction is actually planned to replace the beautiful Yarmout park section that extends into Neve Shamir.


We call on all residents of Beit Shemesh to unite and voice their opposition to this plan that will harm us all!
